Result of body hair transplant and beard hair transplant after 2 years in Gujrat Pakistan
Pictures of the last video post Desperate times Desperate measures This patient wants to have hair transplant at any cost. Despite the poor donor area he was so determined to get back some decent looks. So we planned 2 sessions at least a year apart. First Session: We took around 1000 grafts from scalp, around 1300 grafts from beard below jaw line and 2000 grafts from chest. Out of all grafts, beard grafts were the best and we used them in hair line, then mid-frontal and back with chest and scalp hairs. Now we did the 2nd session almost after 2 years and we took 2940 grafts from beard and around 600 grafts from chest. Our Facebook page: Whatsapp: 03008622266 , 03028622266 For contact: 03163515300, 03313515300, 0533515300, and 0533515400 (All calls and messages from 10 am to 5 pm only) #beardasdonor , #poordonorinhairtransplant , #Bestfuehaieclinic , #FUEmegasessio...